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The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance is pleased to congratulate delegate Marc van Berkel, a member of the Delegation of the Netherlands, on successfully defending his Phd. entitled ‘Plotlines of Victimhood. The Holocaust in German and Dutch History Textbooks, 1960-2010’ at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.


On 19 September, 2017, a commemoration event will take place at Klooga former concentration camp site at the initiative of the Estonian delegation to International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance and the Estonian Jewish Community. Mr. Eiki Nestor, President of Riigikogu (the Estonian Parliament) will deliver the keynote speech and students from the Keila School as well as from the Tallinn Jewish School will participate and will have an opportunity to tour the permanent open-air exhibition erected at the site by the Estonian History Museum.


On 5 September 2017, a memorial event took place at Kalevi-Liiva killing site in Estonia where in 1942 the first transports with Jews from Theresienstad/Terezin arrived at the nearby Raasiku railway station. Nazis and their local collaborators shot the majority of these people on the same day in the forest of Kalevi-Liiva. Later, throughout 1942 and 1943, Jews from Germany, Poland and other Central European countries as well as local Roma and Sinti were murdered at the site.


From 30 August to 1 September forty history teachers from Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia participated in the joint educational seminar entitled “The Holocaust as a starting point: comparing and sharing” held in Skopje. The main goal of the seminar was the promotion of academic approaches to studying history, in particularly on Holocaust-related topics.


On 27 August, Frank Harding, Trustee of the Association of Jewish Refugees, unveiled a commemorative plaque to honour Sir Rudolf Bing, the founding Edinburgh International Festival Director.  The plaque honouring Bing’s contribution to Edinburgh and UK’s cultural landscape was unveiled at The Hub, home of the International Festival, with Lord Provost Frank Ross and the Austrian Ambassador, His Excellency Dr Martin Eichtinger, in attendance.


On 9 September, 2017, Slovakia commemorates the "Memorial Day for Victims of the Holocaust and of Racial Violence". Established in 2000, the day marks the date in 1941 when the Slovak government issued a decree on the legal status of Jews, the so-called the Jewish Codex. The Codex led to deportations which resulted in the murder of over 70,000 Slovak Jews.


Today traces of the former Litzmannstadt Ghetto are still present in the city of Łódź, but not all inhabitants are aware of the history of the ghetto. In 2015, the Museum of Independence Traditions in Łódź undertook a project called "Litzmannstadt-Getto Model" to create a 3D representation of the area where the ghetto stood. The project is co-funded by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance as part of its grant programme.


On 13 September, 2017, delegate Jennifer Ciardelli introduced the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) to the members of the UNESCO Latin American Network on Education about the Holocaust at a focal point meeting held in Buenos Aires via video link. UNESCO is one of the IHRA’s seven permanent international partner organizations.


From 14 - 18 October a conference entitled "Memory Building: Engaging Society in Self-Reflective Museums' will be held in Cincinnati, Ohio. The conference is a joint endeavour between the International Committee for Architecture and Museum Techniques and the International Committee of Memorial Museums in Remembrance of the Victims of Public Crimes.


Bad Arolsen, 7 August 2017. The 2017 Yearbook of the International Tracing Service (ITS) has been published, focusing on the fates of children and adolescent survivors of Nazi persecution. “They were the most vulnerable, and had lost every sense of what it means to have a home,” says Henning Borggräfe, head of the ITS department of research and education. “By featuring the situation of child survivors in the ITS Yearbook we would like to call the attention of scholars and educators to this subject.”
