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New Edition of Prism: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Holocaust Educators


The 2015 issue of Prism: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Holocaust Educators is currently available in print and digital versions.

This latest volume features a comprehensive overview of the Vienna- based institute Centropa, the Central Europe Center for Research and Documentation. Editor Karen Shawn of Yeshiva University notes: “We chose to highlight the extensive and fascinating archive at, which boats 1,200 interviews, 22,000 digitized photos, 40 multimedia films, interdisciplinary exhibitions, and podcasts because of its immeasurable value and its ease of use.” The journal includes a rich assortment of articles by educators, pedagogues and museum professionals.

Published by the Azrieli Graduate School of Yeshiva University, Prism is a necessary resource for all Holocaust educators, scholars and museum professionals. One of the leading, peer-reviewed journals in the field of Holocaust education, Prism provides practical, scholarly resources on teaching the Holocaust at the high school, college and graduate school levels.

Prism offers educators a practical, scholarly resource on teaching the Holocaust at the high school, college and graduate school levels. Each issue examines a specific topic through a variety of lenses, including education, history, literature, poetry, psychology and art. Experts from high schools, colleges, universities, museums and resource centers around the world bring diverse perspectives highlighting particular facets of the issue at hand.

To obtain a hard copy of the journal, e-mail prism[at] yu [dott] edu and digital copies can be downloaded online here.