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U.S. Federal Inter-Agency Holocaust Remembrance Program


On 17 April the U.S. Federal Inter-Agency Holocaust Remembrance Program will take place at the Lincoln Theatre in Washington, D.C.  The event is free and open to the general public.

The event moderator is Dr. Peter Black, Senior Historian and Director of the Division of the Senior Historian at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.  Guest speakers include Ela Stein-Weissberger, Inge Auerbacher, and Jimmy Gentry.  Music will be provided by the United States Navy Band.   

The Federal Inter-Agency Holocaust Remembrance Program started at the Department of Education in 1994 to commemorate the Days of Remembrance, which is an annual, national, and civic commemoration of the Holocaust. The purpose is to educate attendees about the Holocaust and to encourage them to discuss the Holocaust and other genocidal events in order to know that these events occurred and to prevent similar tragedies from happening in the future.

Guest speakers at the program include Holocaust survivors, rescuers, liberators, resisters or witnesses or relatives of these individuals, who talk about their experiences in a speech or by having a moderator ask questions.

The event has significantly expanded since it began in 1994 and now includes the combined contributions of 25 or more U.S. federal departments and agencies. In addition to federal employees, attendees include Washington Metropolitan area students and the general public.