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#NotSilent for Anne Frank


To mark the 70th anniversary of Anne Frank's death, the Anne Frank Trust and Penguin Random House have joined together to mark the anniversary with a one minute campaign called #notsilent.

Instead of a one minute silence to commemorate the end of Anne Frank’s life, the Anne Frank Trust invites you to read out loud a one minute passage from Anne’s inspirational writing at any time on or after Tuesday 14th April. 

A selection of passages suitable for a one minute reading is available to download here or you can choose a passage yourself.

You are asked to film your reading and upload it onto a video sharing platform of your choice (Youtube, Vimeo, Flickr etc) ensuring the video is available to view publicly. Send the link to your video, by posting it on to the Anne Frank Trust’s Facebook (Anne Frank Trust UK) or Twitter (@annefranktrust) pages, using the hash tag #notsilent. Alternatively, you can e-mail your video via we transfer to siama[at] annefrank [dott] org [dott] uk.