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New Austrian Educational DVD and Website Released


Neue Heimat Israel (New Home Country Israel) DVD:  Survivors from Austria Tell Their Stories

On 5 May 2011, the Austrian Memorial Day for victims of the Nazi persecution, a new teaching and learning program based on survivor's testimonies was presented in the Austrian Ministry of Education.

Many Jewish Austrians who fled Nazi persecution found refuge in Palestine (Israel), which saved their lives. The new DVD/website documents 13 of these life stories.

In today's discussions on refugees that seek asylum, it is often forgotten that not long ago Austrian citizens had to flee Austria to save their lives from Nazi terror. British Mandate Palestine, which later became Israel, was one of the places where they found refuge. What did the experience of escaping mean to survivors? How should they speak about these experiences? What does a life look like that began in Austria, was threatened during the Nazi period, and was later affected by a lasting war threat?

These and other questions motivated the Austrian institute to seek encounters with former Austrians in Israel.

The DVD was produced by for educational purposes. On you can find teaching programs, additional material such as photos and documents, the transcripts of the interviews and biographical information (in German only), and ordering information for the DVD.