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"Alternate School” at the Elie Wiesel Institute


From 18 to 22 of April 2016, the National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania „Elie Wiesel” joined the initiative of the Romanian Ministry of Education to organize a series of non-formal activities on Holocaust remembrance.

The activities formed part of the programme "Alternate School”. On this occasion, pupils and highschool students from Bucharest met researchers from the Elie Wiesel Institute, Holocaust survivors from Romania (Mr. Iancu Țucărman and Mr. Liviu Beriș) and visited the Holocaust Memorial in Bucharest.

"Alternate School" is an initiative of the Romanian Ministry of Education, in cooperation with other Romanian central and local institutions, which focuses on non-formal education. The programme includes a week of activities, most of which include visits to museums, competitions, workshops. These are extra-curricular activities, complementing the regular school programme.