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Pohl, Dieter

Type of Entry: 
Individual Expert

Dieter Pohl is Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Klagenfurt. Previously a long-term employee of the German Institut für Zeitgeschichte, he is one of the main experts on the Holocaust in Poland and Ukraine. Among his numerous publications are the books “Nationalsozialistische Judenverfolgung in Ostgalizien 1941-1944“ (1996) and „Die Herrschaft der Wehrmacht. Deutsche Militärbesatzung und einheimische Bevölkerung in der Sowjetunion 1941-1944“ (2008). He is co-editor of the sixteen volume edition “Die Verfolgung und Ermordung der europäischen Juden”. At IHRA’s first “Killing Sites” conference in Krakow 2014, Dieter Pohl delivered the keynote speech.

See Dieter Pohl's contribution to the IHRA "Killing Sites" volume.

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Countries active in: 
Poland, Ukraine