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Genocide Prevention Certificate


The graduate-level Genocide Prevention Certificate (GPC) program is now open for enrollment.

The GPC is a new initiative offered by the Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation and Stockton University. Applications for this autumn's incoming class are due by Friday, July 1

The GPC curriculum was developed to meet an existing need for specialized training among professionals in the government, military, and business sectors, as well as within non-governmental organizations. The Certificate is granted through the Master of Art of Holocaust and Genocide Studies (MAHG) Program and is coordinated by MAHG Program Director, Dr. Elisa von Joeden-Forgey.

The GPC program is comprised of 5 courses (15 credits), all taken online. The program also features flexible scheduling, which allows participants to complete the course in as little as one year or over several years. The internationally-renowned Consortium Faculty draws from experts in genocide prevention and from instructors of the Auschwitz Institute's Lemkin Seminars for Genocide Prevention. The Certificate's final research project, undertaken towards the end of the program, was designed in consultation with the United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide. Throughout their studies, individuals enrolled in the program will be offered opportunities to attend genocide prevention conferences and actively participate in the genocide prevention community.

For more information and to submit an application for the program, please visit the Stockton University Graduate Studies page for the Genocide Prevention Certificate here:

Questions about the programme can be addressed to the Auschwitz Institute at info[at] auschwitzinstitute [dott] org. If you are having connectivity issues, such as accessing the Genocide Prevention Certificate web page, including the online application, please e-mail RSCgraduateschool[at] gmail [dott] com.