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Corpses of Mass Violence and Genocide

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The research programme “Corpses of Mass Violence and Genocide”, directed by anthropologist Élisabeth Anstett and historian Jean-Marc Dreyfus, is hosted by EHESS, the University of Manchester, and the Universities of Groningen and Geneva. Started in 2012 with a European Research Council grant, the interdisciplinary project studies the social legacy of mass violence in the 20th century, focusing on how different societies dealt with masses of dead bodies both during and in the immediate and more distant aftermath of massacres. Bringing together social anthropology, law studies, criminology, and history, study missions were carried out in Argentina, Uruguay, Belarus, Bosnia, Rwanda, Spain and Cambodia. Workshops and annual conferences are organized, the results of which are published in a book series.

Country based in: 
United Kingdom
Countries active in: 
Belarus, International