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“The Roma Between Past and Future” Conference Report Published


The  report of "The Roma Between Past and Future: Reflections Upon Genocide, Recognition, and the Resurgence of Extremism and Anti-Gypsyism" conference is now available.  The conference was held on 6 May 2012 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The conference reflected upon the comparison between the present-day situation of Romani minorities and what happened to them in the 1930s and 1940s. Is such a comparison possible at all? Why and how could or should such a comparison be made to reflect upon the contemporary situation of the Roma in Europe? Since 1945, various Romani and Sinti groups have been involved in a struggle to get the Nazi genocide of Sinti and Roma officially recognized. How does this struggle and the neglect of this genocide by society at large relate to contemporary public debates on the Roma's situation in Europe?

This conference aimed to bring Roma, Sinti, scholars, activists, advocates, politicians and policy makers together to discuss these timely topics. Roma from Hungary, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic presented their analyses of the contemporary situation in their countries. A Dutch Sinto who survived the war shared his experiences with the audience. Scholars reflected upon the importance of taking into account the circumstances of the 1930s and 1940s, as well as the post-war recognition struggle, for understanding the situation of Romani and Sinti minorities in contemporary Europe.

The conference was part of the Requiem for Auschwitz project (