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UNESCO Adds New Inscriptions to the Memory of the World Register


Pages of Testimony Collection, Archives of the International Tracing Service, Diaries of Anne Frank, and the Warsaw Ghetto Archives are the Memory of the World collections related to the Holocaust that were among 54 new additions to UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register.

These new elements of documentary heritage were proposed by 40 countries and the International Commission for the International Tracing Service (ITS). They were evaluated and recommended by the International Consultative Committee for the Memory of the World programme, meeting in Gwangju (Republic of Korea) from 18 to 21 June.

The items presented by Israel, Myanmar, Nepal are the first inscriptions on the register for these countries. The ITS item is also the first on the register for the Commission.

The Memory of the World Register now includes a total of 299 documents and document collections from the five continents, safeguarded on various supports from stone to celluloid and parchment to sound recordings.