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International Poster Competition Website Launched


"Keeping The Memory Alive" - International Poster Competition 2012 has launched an official website in advance of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January.

The International Poster Competition is a joint project between Yad Vashem in cooperation with Memorial de la Shoah, France, and the European Shoah Legacy Institute, Czech Republic.

For the International Poster Competition, led by Yad Vashem, students of design in France, the Czech Republic and Israel attended Day Seminars, and proceeded to design posters on a theme of "Keeping the Memory Alive" (with an optional sub-theme of "Children in the Holocaust"), with cash prizes awarded for the top 3 designs and the best 16 to be exhibited prominently to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27th 2012 at various locations around the world.

The posters have been distributed to all ITF delegations for display in each country, and will also be made available as an educational resource with accompanying study guide in order to raise awareness of International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The posters will be on display at over 90 locations around the world, including at UN Headquarters in New York and the Berlaymont Building of the European Commission in Brussels.

A digital version of the poster pack is available for download here.